Try before you buy with a Doctor-7 + Includes Doctor- 7 Pain Cream, Doctor-7 Pain Salve & Doctor 7 Snore Rub - FREE Sample Packs!
DR-7 Snore Rub works by restoring proper nasal breathing. This smells like vapor rub and mint.
100% Guaranteed to stop or reduce snoring! Made in USA!
DR-7 Cream is non-greasy massage base cream made with plant extract and natural essential oils. Made in USA!
DR-7 Pain Salve is a vapor rub salve made with plant extracts and natural essential oils.
Made in USA!
DR-7 Pain Relief topicals are naturally derived and delivers the most powerful formulation available consisting plant extract and essential oils to help areas with pain for quick temporary relief. Use DR-7 for joint, muscle, lower back, knee, shoulder, neck pain, legs and feet, etc. This is also perfect pre- and post-workout solution for hours of relief from minor joint and muscle pain.
It has been proven to aid in:
Cramps from chemo
Peripheral Neuropathy
Joint and Muscle Pain
Pinched NervesShin Splints
Active ingredients: Menthol and Camphor
Inactive ingredients: Massage Lotion, Nutmeg, Eucalyptus, Lemon Oil, and Hemp Extracts
No THC or CBD is included in the product’s composition.
Free sample provided for trial purposes only. Not for resale. Availability limited while supplies lasts. Ingredients in the sample may differ from the full sized product. Terms and conditions may apply.
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SKU: P32DR005
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